WC Ministries
Showing Christ's Love by Helping People
Who We Are
WC Ministries’ purpose is simple—to transform and impact lives. We accomplish this by providing sound Biblical teaching and humanitarian outreach. Via our various programs, we provide healthy food options and water to those who are faced with food deficiency; clothing for women in need; a program that promotes healing for marginalized and hurting women while also empowering them to reach their full potential and identity in Christ; and, our community education initiative in partnership with DGF.
WC Ministries is a Christian non-profit ministry. God requires us to teach His people in truth and in love. Therefore, we provide weekly online Bible Studies that edify and encourage while teaching people how to apply biblical truth in their daily lives. This is not another Sunday morning sermon but, a “real” study of God’s Word where all are fully engaged.
​It is mind-blowing how God will use one person or one small organization to make a difference. WC Ministries is rooted in the belief that each of us has a responsibility to make a meaningful difference in our neighborhoods which will transform our communities, cities, states and the world. By helping to transform one life at a time, one family at a time, we can effect change and positively impact those we serve and our communities. With this in mind, we provide humanitarian aid to those in need, and we demonstrate Christ’s love for people—to both Christians and non-Christians.
“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” (1 Cor. 3:6-7 (KJV)
We plant; we water, and God gives the increase.
WC Ministries is financially supported by contributions from friends, family, and partners of the ministry.